The Welcom, the objectives

Posted by editor On 5:17 AM
Welcome, welcome to Proud African Stand Together (P.A.S.T).

This blog is dedicated to everyone (Black, Brown or White, Green or Yellow, Red or Pink), it is dedicate to those who feel that there is a need to promote a positive image of beloved Africa.
The aim of this this blog is to celebrate the people of the land, to show the deep love and how after so many years of history the men and women in the Diaspora are fighting to show the world how beatiful Africa is without the continous over blown image of corrupted politics and famine.

This blog will showcase the new great magazines dedicated to the avant-garde image of Africa, magazines aiming at promoting a less stereotypical picture of mother Africa contrary to those used on the mainstream social promotion to ask for famine aids.

The music sung with vibrate and sensual voice in celebration of the people and the land of Africa. The members of the blog will try to bring here the lost films of a Vintage Africa, films that had meaning in them instead of the decadent videos of our late post-modern world.

Literature will be another focus of this blog. There are great African writers who the young generation need to know so that the can be inspired to write like them.

This blog will also promote other blogs whose aim is make these changes. This blog might be political, passionate and enthusiastic, but always ready to learn from other people.

Although it is true that some people in Africa are dying because they are very poor, there is another image, a positive image, of the same continent and out there they are some people whose desire is to have a better educational and cultural change instead of reminded that the are poor and the need food and shelter. In Africa and other part of the world people know how to live their life and even when there are aaversities they appreciate the little they have. Unlike us late post-modern children who dream in big but always as individual.

This blog seek to make a positive change socially and it is not a bystander blog, it not a victim blog, it is not a perpatrator blog. THIS BLOG IS A POSITIVE-ACTIVIST BLOG.

Last and again this blog would like to invite everyone who would like to be part of this FUTURE change for Mother Nature Africa.

Positivity, passion and determination are what we need to succeed.
© 2010 Maama Afia

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